Friday, May 27, 2005

BigKid : Xbox 360 vs PS3

BigKid : Xbox 360 vs PS3 puts up a nice comparison table. Someone throws in a NINTENDO Revolution picture, too. I blogged this with Mozilla on HP-UX aftering installing a google toolbar to it. This toolbar thing first works on IE, then there is a Firefox version, and now it can fit backward to Mozilla. Job nicely done! These developers make me like open-source mechanism even more every day!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Dantzig's obituary

Long time no blog. Lately the biggest tech news are probably the reveals of xbox 360 and PS3. I have wanted to write about the specs of the hardware. But it turned out it would take too much time digesting all the stuff around the Net, so the idea has not been realized so far. Today I learned from Slashdot that George Dantzig passed away and somehow I felt sad. I have this emotional attachment because lately I spent so much time implementing the Dantzig alogorithm to solve the Linear Complimentary Problem that results from solving the contact constraints in multibody dynamics. RIP, Dantzig. Here is the post from Slashdot:

Posted by timothy on Sunday May 22, @10:00PM
from the life-well-lived dept.
Markus Registrada writes "George Dantzig, the inventor of the Simplex method for solving Linear Programming problems, died on May 13. He was also the now-legendary student who turned in solutions for what he had taken to be a homework assignment, only to find out they had been posted as examples of what were suspected to be unsolvable problems."

Skiing at Winter Park